<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<city id="1259229" name="Pune">
<coord lon="73.86" lat="18.52" />
<sun rise="2016-01-07T01:38:29" set="2016-01-07T12:42:53" />
<temperature value="27.49" min="27.49" max="27.49" unit="metric" />
<humidity value="43" unit="%" />
<pressure value="955.13" unit="hPa" />
<speed value="2.65" name="Light breeze" />
<gusts />
<direction value="113.502" code="ESE" name="East-southeast" />
<clouds value="36" name="scattered clouds" />
<visibility />
<precipitation mode="no" />
<weather number="802" value="scattered clouds" icon="03d" />
<lastupdate value="2016-01-07T06:25:45" />
I am trying to convert this xml into csv I have tried some thing like this but I am not getting any logic to convert data to csv format
try {
var file : File = new File(dw.io.File.IMPEX + '/src/weather.csv');
var fileWriter : FileWriter = new FileWriter(file, 'UTF-8');
var csw : CSVStreamWriter = new CSVStreamWriter(fileWriter);
csw.writeNext(//here I want array of string data );
catch(e) {
But I don't know how I can convert xml data into strings of array