I have an Extjs 6 workspace with two packages (one for classic and one for modern) and a sample app in it. I have no problem styling the classic package components with the corresponding ui-mixins, ex: @include extjs-panel-ui();. However, when I attempt to style modern components with the corresponding ui-mixins I am getting an error:
[ERR] unknown definition for mixin named panel-ui :
[INF] Build error for ../../../build/temp/production/pra_kitchensink/slicer-temp/pra_kitchensink-example.scss
[ERR] Error: Sass compilation encountered 1 error(s)
[ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: Sass compilation encountered 1 error(s)
[ERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMe
[ERR] thodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
[ERR] Total time: 21 seconds
I am trying to style a panel in the modern toolkit so I am using @include panel-ui();
Does anyone know why I'm able to use the ui-mixins for classic components but I get a build error when I try and use the ui-mixins for modern components? Confusingly, if I run sencha app watch modern
, it works and functions as expected, but when I run sencha app watch
or a sencha app build
I get the build error above.