I've tried everything suggested so far but nothing seems to work. I've created a new Django project with Cookiecutter. I'm able to run it locally and via my Docker machine but for some reason I can't get it to deploy to AWS. I've also been following along this documentation loosely:
WSGIPath: config/wsgi.py
Project Structure
|-- .ebextensions
|-- `-- django.config
|-- .elasticbeanstalk
|-- `--config.yml
|-- | ...
|-- | wsgi.py
|-- project
|-- manage.py
When I check the logs, this is a sample of what I get:
Target WSGI script not found or unable to stat: /opt/python/current/app/application.py
When I run eb config I get these settings:
NumProcesses: '1'
NumThreads: '15'
StaticFiles: /static/=static/
WSGIPath: application.py
I've tried editing this, moving the wsgi.py file, renaming it, but nothing works. What am I doing wrong?