I am struggling to interact with my google place autocomplete results within my integration tests.
var placeSelector = '.pac-container .pac-item:first-child';
exports.runTest = function(test) {
casper.waitForSelector('input.street-address'); // wait for page to load
casper.sendKeys('input.street-address', 'fake address here', {keepFocus: true});
casper.then(function() {
casper.click(placeSelector); // THIS DOES NOT DO ANYTHING
// if its possible to trigger the event in the context of the page, I
// could probably do so. However, I've scoured google's docs and cannot find the
// event that is fired when a place is clicked upon.
casper.evaluate(function() {
var formVal;
casper.then(function() {
formVal = casper.evaluate(function () {
return $('input.street-address').val();
With the previous code, there is no result and the input is not populated nor are the suggested results hidden.
How can I simulate the action of a user entering in an address to the autocomplete input and proceeding to click upon one of the suggested results?
A few resources that I have come across asking similar questions:
How to "simulate" a click on a Google Maps Marker?