VNC allows any user to send their windows like xterm, gvim
, .. to any other user's VNC, using -display option of command or by setting my VNC display in DISPLAY variable.
Some users exploiting this feature and keep on sending xterms
to my VNC.
Is there any way where I can completely disable or selective allow other users?
My viewer details:
VNC Viewer 5.2.1 (r5668) 32-bit(Aug 18 2014 12:58:45) from RealVNC
I am looking for some options provided by this viewer/other to achieve this
. Read the manual page to understand how it works. It (dis)allows users or hosts to connect to your display. – Cornishxhost -
. Other users unable to sendxterm
to my VNC. Please post as an answer & elaborate on allowing other users selectively. – Sunrise