I have created BitMapSource from a list of RGBA pixels:
BitmapSource bmp = BitmapSource.Create(imageStrideInPixels, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, imageData, imageStrideInPixels * pixelWidth);
I then create an image from the BitMapSource:
// create image and set image as source
Image BmpImg = new Image();
BmpImg.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 0);
BmpImg.Width = imageScaleWidth;
BmpImg.Height = imageScaleHeight;
BmpImg.Source = bmp;
I then add the Image to the Canvas:
mycanvas.Width = imageScaleWidth;
mycanvas.Height = imageScaleHeight;
Canvas.SetLeft(BmpImg, 0); // to set position (x,y)
Canvas.SetTop(BmpImg, 0);
The problem is that it is not getting scaled to imageScaleWidth and imageScaleHeight, and it is being displayed half way down the canvas.
Note, I was able to do this in Java SWT by:
imageData = imageData.scaledTo(imageScaleWidth, imageScaleHeight);
gc.drawImage(imageData, 0, 0);
is quite an odd name for the width of a bitmap, are you sure that the ratiosimageStrideInPixels / imageScaleWidth
andheight / imageScaleHeight
are equal? Otherwise the image should not only be scaled, but also stretched. You may then have to setBmpImg.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
. – Handbill