I am trying to structure an application using DDD and onion/hexagonal/clean architecture (using Java and Spring). I find it easier to find guidance on the concepts themselves than actually how to implement them. DDD in particular seems rather tricky to find examples that are instructive because each problem is unique. I have seen numerous examples on SO that have been helpful but I still have questions. I wonder whether going through my example would help me and anyone else.
I hope you can forgive me asking more than one question here. The example seems too big for it to make sense me repeating it in multiple questions.
We have an application that should display information about soccer stats and has the following concepts (for simplicity I have not included all attributes):
- Team, which has many Players.
- Player.
- Fixture, which has 2 Teams and 2 Halves.
- Half, which has 2 FormationsPlayed and many Combinations.
- FormationPlayed, which has many PositionsPlayed.
- PositionPlayed, which has 1 Player and a position value object.
- Combination, which can be of 2 types, and has many Moves.
- Move, which can be of 2 types, has 1 Player and an event value object.
As you can imagine, trying to work out which things are aggregate roots here is tricky.
- Team can exist independently so is an AR.
- Player can exist independently so is an AR.
- Fixture, when deleted, must also delete its Halves, so is an AR.
- Half must be an entity in Fixture.
- FormationPlayed must be deleted when a half is deleted, so perhaps this should be an entity in Half.
- PositionPlayed must be deleted when a Formation is deleted, so believe this should be an entity in FormationPlayed.
- Combination in a sense can exist independently, though is tied to a particular game half. Perhaps this could be an AR tied by eventual consistency.
- Move must be deleted when a Combination is deleted, so believe this should be an entity in Combination.
- Do you see any errors in the above design? If so what would you change?
- The Fixture - Half - FormationPlayed - PositionPlayed aggregate seems too large, so I wonder whether you would agree that this could be split into Fixture - Half and FormationPlayed - PositionPlayed using eventual consistency. The thing I can't find an example of is how this is implemented in Java? If Fixture were deleted, would you fire a FixtureDeleted event that causes its corresponding FormationPlayed entities to also be deleted?
- I want to construct a domain model that has no understanding of the way that it will be persisted (as per onion architecture). My understanding is that domain entities here should not have surrogate keys because this relates to persistence. I also believe that entities should only reference entities in other aggregates by ids. How then, for example, would PositionPlayed reference Player in the domain model?
- Initially the aim is only to allow the client to get the data and display it. Ultimately I want clients to be able to perform CRUD themselves, and I want all invariants to be held together by the domain model when this happens. Would it simplify things (and can you show me or point me to example explaining how) to have two domain models, one simple for data retrieval and one rich for the operations to be performed later? Two BCs, as it were. The reason I ask is that a rich domain model seems rather time consuming to come up with when initially we only want to display stats in the database, but I also don't want to create trouble for myself down the line if it is better to create one rich domain model now in view of the usecases envisioned later. I wonder, if I were to create a simpler model for data retrieval only, which concepts in DDD could be ignored (would I still need to break up large aggregates, for example?)
I hope this all makes sense. Obviously happy to explain further if needed. Realise I'm asking a lot here and I may have confused some ideas. Any answers and wisdom you can give to this would be greatly appreciated !