I'm trying to implement server side processing with data from sqlite on my Flask app. I am a newbie, so I can't figure out what's wrong. So far I have come to this:
<table id="myTable" class="table table-striped" style="width:100%" >
<th>Mean Current</th>
<th>Vapour Pressure</th>
<th>Mean Voltage</th>
<th>Bar Pressure</th>
<th>Wind Sector</th>
<th>Wind Speed</th>
<th>Air Density</th>
<th>DC Voltage</th>
<th>Power Sector</th>
<th>Furling Angle</th>
<th>Yaw angle</th>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#myTable').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "/page_test"
} );
View function:
def page_test():
data = json.dumps(meas[2])
print data
return data
is my dict:
[dict((c.description[i][0], value) \
for i, value in enumerate(row)) for row in c.fetchall()]
In "print data" everything is printed fine, like this:
{"MeanCurrent": 0.05933, "Temperature": 15.095, "YawAngle": 0.0, "MeanVoltage": 0.67367, "VoltageDC": 3.18309, "PowerSec": 0.06923, "FurlingAngle": -0.2266828184, "WindSpeed": 1.884, "VapourPressure": 1649.25948, "Humidity": 0.4266, "WindSector": 0, "AirDensity": 1.23051, "BarPressure": 1020.259, "time": "2015-04-22 20:58:28", "RPM": 0.0, "ID": 1357}
This is multiplied by the number of rows.
However, when I run the app and insert the query, the table is displayed with only the <th>
tags and there is "Processing..." written on top of the table with no data displayed. At the terminal of my flask app, a huge string is displayed, and this is a small sample:
And here is a screenshot:
Every time I click on the th
tags, the same string comes again. It seems like I'm missing something important but as this is my first app, I can't figure out what it is. Any suggestion for modification of the code would be appreciated.