I have four pages in the iPhone app. All 4 pages are subclass of UIViewController. Two pages have UITableView to show list of items. Two pages have UICollectionView to show data. All data fetched from web-service with help of AFNetworking. It comes very well without any issues. I show custom cells from storyboard for tableView and collectionView with all required and recommended methods.
It used to show smooth scrolling in simulator and devices before I updated my Xcode 8.3 to Xcode 9.0 and iOS 11. I tried with solutions from this and also other possible solutions from SO but does not solve my problem. Most confusing part is that I did not change single line of code for tableView or collectionView and it started showing choppy effect.
It looks like it waits for something every second and scrolling with noticeable pause even-though I do not have any complex logic while showing data. I just show data as it comes in web-service response. I have old branch as well which used to show smooth scrolling with Xcode 8.3 but when I run same code with Xcode 9.0, it show choppy scrolling.
I use macOS 10.12.6, Xcode 9, Swift 4 and simulators with iOS 11 and iOS 10.3.