This question is in reference is an observation from a code-golf challenge.
The submitted R solution is a working solution, but a few of us (maybe just I) seems to be dumbfounded as to why the initial X=m
reassignment is necessary.
The code is golfed down a bit by @Giuseppe, so I'll write a few comments for the reader.
# Re-assign input m as X
while(any(X-(X=X%*%m))) 0
# Instead of doing the meat of the calculation in the code block after `while`
# OP exploited its infinite looping properties to perform the
# calculations within the condition check.
# `-` here is an abuse of inequality check and relies on `any` to coerce
# the numeric to logical. See `as.logical(.Machine$double.xmin)`
# The code basically multiplies the matrix `X` with the starting matrix `m`
# Until the condition is met: X == X%*%m
# Return result
Well as far as I can tell. Multiplying X%*%m
is equivalent to X%*%X
since X
is a just an iteratively self-multiplied version of m
. Once the matrix has converged, multiplying additional copies of m
or X
does not change its value. See linear algebra textbook or v(m)%*%v(m)%*%v(m)%*%v(m)%*%v(m)%*%m%*%m
after defining the above function as v
. Fun right?
So the question is, why does @CodesInChaos's implementation of this idea not work?
function(m){while(any(m!=(m=m%*%m)))0 m}
Is this caused by a floating point precision issue? Or is this caused by the a function in the code such as the inequality check or .Primitive("any")? I do not believe this is caused by as.logical
since R seems to coerce errors smaller than .Machine$double.xmin
to 0.
Here is a demonstration of above. We are simply looping and taking the difference between m
and m%*%m
. This error becomes 0 as we try to converge the stochastic matrix. It seems to converge then blow to 0/INF eventually depending on the input.
mat = matrix(c(7/10, 4/10, 3/10, 6/10), 2, 2, byrow = T)
m = mat
for (i in 1:25) {
m = m%*%m
cat("Mean Error:", mean(m-(m=m%*%m)),
"\n Float to Logical:", as.logical(m-(m=m%*%m)),
"\n iter", i, "\n")
Some additional thoughts on why this is a floating point math issue
1) the loop indicates that this is probably not a problem with any
or any logical check/conversion step but rather something to do with float matrix math.
2) @user202729's comment in the original thread that this issue persists in Jelly, a code golf language gives more credence to the idea that this is a perhaps a floating point issue.
, despite the fact that the convergence matrices are identical. This is particularly notable since, as stochastic matrices, we should never ever have entries>1
. – RichierichladX %*% m
version afterk
passes through the loopX = m ^ k
but in them %*% m
version afterk
passes through the loopm = (original m) ^ 2 ^ k
. How that effects convergence, I don't know. – Gonzalezmatrix(1:4, 2)
. – Inflamet(apply(matrix(runif(4), 2), 1, function(x) x / sum(x)))
instead. – Inflamewhile(any(m-(m=m%*%m))) print(m)
for the loop shows how weird things can be -- it seems like it is converging for many iterations and then seemingly out of nowhere destabilizes – Gonzalez