We have 2 Models: Valuation and Document. Both are in a microservice so we use ActiveResource to access them.
class Valuation < ActiveResource::Base
self.site = "#{config.valuation_service.base_url}/valuations"
self.include_root_in_json = false
class Document < ActiveResource::Base
self.site = "#{config.valuation_service.base_url}/documents"
self.include_root_in_json = true
Running the Rails console in development.
>> Valuation.new(documents: [{ title: 'Foo' }])
=> <Valuation:0x007f9af85f1708 @attributes={"documents"=>[#<Valuation::Document:0x007f9af85f0970 @attributes={"title"=>"Foo"}, @prefix_options={}, @persisted=false>]}, @prefix_options={}, @persisted=false>
so the document's class name is Valuation:Document
. When you run the rails console in production
>> Valuation.new(documents: [{ title: 'Foo' }])
=> <Valuation:0x007f9af595b478 @attributes={"documents"=>[#<Document:0x007f9af595a500 @attributes={"title"=>"Foo"}, @prefix_options={}, @persisted=false>]}, @prefix_options={}, @persisted=false>
The class of the document is just Document
and it respects the config like include_root_in_json
The bigger issue is when calling .to_json
on the objects.
# development
>> Valuation.new(documents: [{ title: 'Foo' }]).to_json
=> "{\"documents\":[{\"title\":\"Foo\"}]}"
# production
>> Valuation.new(documents: [{ title: 'Foo' }]).to_json
=> "{\"documents\":[{\"document\":{\"title\":\"Foo\"}}]}"
We are using Rails 4.2.10.
What exactly is causing this? I've checked configs if there is anything toggled on/off depending on the environment but I can't find any.