Using VennDiagram
package I'm generating two graphs in the following manner:
# First graph
area1 = 100,
area2 = 70,
cross.area = 30,
category = c("A1", "B1"),
fill = c("#00204DFF", "#FFEA46FF")
) -> vg1
# Second graph
area1 = 120,
area2 = 80,
cross.area = 10,
category = c("A2", "B2"),
fill = c("#000004FF", "#FCFFA4FF")
) -> vg2
When called via grid::grid.draw(vg1)
and grid::grid.draw(vg2)
the charts show as expected:
How can I create one grid object where both plots are placed one under another?
grdFrme <- grid::grid.frame(name = "gf")
grid::grid.pack("gf", vg1)
Error in packGrob(grid.get(gPath), grob, side, row, row.before, row.after, : invalid 'grob'
package. At one point, I figured out how to do this ingrid
itself, but it's kind of a pain. – Tarango