I'm trying to calculate a moving average in r over a particular field BUT I need this moving average to be grouped by two or more other fields. The purpose of this new average is for predictive analysis so I need it to be trailing as well. Any variables that do not have enough values to be averaged (such as student J) would ideally give either NA or its original Score value.
I've been trying rollapply and data.table and am having no luck!
I've provided the table of data and two moving averages (AVG2 with k=2 and AVG3 with k=3) to show exactly what I'm after. The moving average is on Score and the variables to group over are school, Student and area. Please help!
no school Student area Score **AVG2** **AVG3**
1 I S A 5 NA NA
2 B S A 2 NA NA
3 B S A 7 NA NA
4 B O A 3 NA NA
5 B O B 9 NA NA
6 I O A 6 NA NA
7 I O B 3 NA NA
8 I S A 7 NA NA
9 I O A 1 NA NA
10 B S A 7 4.5 NA
11 I S A 3 NA NA
12 I O A 8 3.5 NA
13 B S A 3 7 5.33
14 I O A 4 4.5 5
15 B O A 1 NA NA
16 I S A 9 5 5
17 B S A 4 5 5.67
18 B O A 6 2 NA
19 I S A 3 6 6.33
20 I O B 8 NA NA
21 B S A 3 3.5 4.67
22 I O A 4 6 4.33
23 B O A 1 3.5 3.33
24 I S A 9 6 5
25 B S A 4 3.5 3.33
26 B O A 6 3.5 2.67
27 I J A 6 NA NA
here is the code to recreate the initial table in r:
school <- c('I','B','B','B','B','I','I','I','I','B','I','I','B','I','B','I','B','B','I','I','B','I','B','I','B','B','I')
Student <- c('S','S','S','O','O','O','O','S','O','S','S','O','S','O','O','S','S','O','S','O','S','O','O','S','S','O','J')
area <- c('A','A','A','A','B','A','B','A','A','A','A','A','A','A','A','A','A','A','A','B','A','A','A','A','A','A','A')
Score <- c(5,2,7,3,9,6,3,7,1,7,3,8,3,4,1,9,4,6,3,8,3,4,1,9,4,6,6)
data.frame(school, Student, area, Score)
or at leasthead(dat)
in your question. Second, please share the desired output of your grouped moving average for this data. Third, please share the code you've tried so far. – Gorden