I'm trying to understand some theory part in Objective C related to KVC. Following is the example I've done.
I'm having class call Cookie and it has a property like below
@property NSString *name;
Next, I have another class call Person and it has following property
@property Cookie *cookie;
Inside Person implementation file
#import "Cookie.h"
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_cookie = [[Cookie alloc] init];
return self;
In my ViewContrtoller I can write following two options to get the same result.
Using KVC :
[me valueForKeyPath:@"cookie.name"]
Using accessor methods :
[[me cookie] name]
To write accessor method , I had to import the Cookie class but doesn't need when using KVC.
Apart from that, what are the benefit of using KVC instead or using accessor methods? Is there any performance issue or security issue or good coding practice or any other benefit?