The socketio client successfully connects to the server and sends messages with emit
to the server but the other direction server to the client fails. I cannot find the source of error. It is
Here is the server python in
based on the example in python-socketio website:
from aiohttp import web
import socketio
sio = socketio.AsyncServer()
app = web.Application()
async def index(request):
"""Serve the client-side application."""
with open('index.html') as f:
return web.Response(, content_type='text/html')
@sio.on('connect', namespace='/chat')
def connect(sid, environ):
print("connect", sid)
@sio.on('chat message', namespace='/chat')
async def message(sid, data):
print("server received message!", data)
await sio.emit('reply', data)
await sio.send(data)
@sio.on('disconnect', namespace='/chat')
def disconnect(sid):
print('disconnect', sid)
app.router.add_static('/static', 'static')
app.router.add_get('/', index)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I tried commenting one of await sio.emit('reply', data)
or await sio.send(data)
but result was the same. Here is the javascript client in index.html
<script src=""></script>
<form id="the_form">
<input type="input" name="msg" id="msg"></input>
<input type="submit" value="➤"></input>
var socket = io('http://localhost:8080/chat');
socket.on('connect', function(){console.log('connect!')});
socket.on('message', function(msg){console.log('message!', msg)});
socket.on('disconnect', function(){console.log('disconnect!')});
socket.on('reply', function(msg){console.log('reply!', msg)});
document.getElementById('the_form').onsubmit = function(e) {
let msg = document.getElementById('msg').value;
document.getElementById('msg').value = '';
// send it to the server
socket.emit('chat message', msg);
return false
On the terminal window, I run the server. Then, I open two browser windows (Chrome Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and send 'test' from one of them. Here is what I see on each window:
$ python3
======== Running on ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)
connect 9b18034f7b8b4d4c857dec394ef01429
connect 3adea48a3e00459f807855da0337599c
server received message! test
Window 1 (console log)
Window 2 (console log)
await sio.emit('reply', room=sid)
and just deleteawait sio.send(data)
– Deckertsio.enter_room(sid, 'test_room')
in connect function andawait sio.emit('reply', room='test_room')
as a way to send the message to the other client instead of echoing it. but none of them worked so far. – Evalynevanawait sio.emit('reply', data, room=sid)
– Deckert