I’m trying to create a custom audio sink plugin for gstreamer using the Gst::AudioSink as a base class. For me this involves multiple learning curves as I’m new to gstreamer, gstreamermm and gobject. Also I have no background or real interest in gtkmm as I’m not working on GUI code at present.
I am trying to create a class along the lines of:
class MyAudioSink: public Gst::AudioSink
explicit MyAudioSink(MyAudioSink *gobj);
virtual ~MyAudioSink();
static void class_init(Gst::ElementClass<MyAudioSink> *klass);
virtual int write_vfunc(gpointer data, guint length) override;
virtual void reset_vfunc();
I seem to missing some magic in the class_init() function that should link the base class functions to the virtual functions in MyAudioSink. In C we would do something like:
GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
GstAudioSinkClass *audio_sink_class = GST_AUDIO_SINK_CLASS (klass);
audio_sink_class->write = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (myaudiosink_write);
I don’t really grok the C++ binding to gobject. What is the equivalent for linking to the C++ virtual function hierarchy?
I got the impression from Marcin’s video https://gstconf.ubicast.tv/videos/gstreamermm-c-way-of-doing-gstreamer-based-applications/ that the virtual functions should be invoked automatically.
I can create a half usable (doesn’t handle things like EOS) plugin by adding:
add_pad(sinkpad = Gst::Pad::create(get_pad_template("sink"), "sink"));
sinkpad->set_chain_function(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MyAudioSink::chain));
But I don't think a sink should have a chain function.
I've also asked this question on the gtkmm mailing list. If I get an answer there I will post it here.
For MyAudioSink I get a class hierarchy of:
GObject +----GInitiallyUnowned +----GstObject +----GstElement +----myaudiosink
Rather than:
GObject +----GInitiallyUnowned +----GstObject +----GstElement +----GstBaseAudioSink +----GstAudioSink +----myaudiosink
I suspect this is the essence of my problem.
For the audiofilter example Marcin mentions here I get a class hierachy of:
GObject +----GInitiallyUnowned +----GstObject +----GstElement +----GstBaseTransform +----GstAudioFilter +----myaudiofilter
is already the ultimate base in the class hierarchy. What would adding a 2nd copy solve, rather than make worse? – Vintagegst_demosink_class_init (GstDemosinkClass * klass) { GstAudioSinkClass *audio_sink_class = GST_AUDIO_SINK_CLASS (klass); audio_sink_class->open = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_demosink_open);
– Ungotten