Hi I have a C# WinForm app, I am able to call functions from the libnetclient.dll
via DllImport like below:
[DllImport("libnetclient.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int NETCLIENT_Initialize(int bPriorRGB16 = 0);
I am then able to use the functions as normal such as below:
int ini = NETCLIENT_Initialize();
memoBox.AppendText("NETCLIENT_Initialize = " + ini.ToString()+Environment.NewLine);//append to box
This callback occurs once the login function has completed.
My problem is with a callback function.
Inside the C++ netclient.h
header file the pointer looks like this below:
NETCLIENT_API int API_CALL NETCLIENT_RegLoginMsg(void* pUsr, void (CALLBACK * FUNLoginMsgCB)(int nMsg, void * pUsr));
I tried to call this in C# like such:
public delegate void FUNLoginMsgCB(int nMsg, IntPtr pUsr);
[DllImport("libnetclient.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern int NETCLIENT_RegLoginMsg(IntPtr pUsr, FUNLoginMsgCB _callback);
private void loginbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var _callback = new FUNLoginMsgCB(DoLoginMsgCB);
NETCLIENT_RegLoginMsg(this.Handle, _callback);//call the callback function
private static void DoLoginMsgCB(int nMsg, IntPtr pUsr)
switch (nMsg)//switch shows result after login function called
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
However no matter what I do the result is always 1. I have double checked my login details and all are correct. If anyone has any advice or examples it'll be greatly appreciated.
attribute? – Dusen[DllImport("libnetclient.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
– TowlineFUNLoginMsgCB
delegate declaration – DusenIntPtr pUsr
incorrectly maybe I don't understand. In C#IntPtr pUsr
is the equivalent tovoid* pUsr
but in my case it was suppost to bethis
meaning the form... – Towline