I thought I'd do a simple yet potentially very useful thing, and create another symlink called live, that points to an arbitrary release, and leave current at the head where it usually is:
20120521024312 <-- live
20120521030449 <-- current
I then configured www.mysite.com to hit
and stage.mysite.com to hit
Unfortunately both hosts seem to run the same app, and not 2 different apps. I've confirmed the httpd.conf has the correct settings and restarted it. However no change, they're both still running the same app, the app referenced by current/public to be exact.
I don't know if I have a setting wrong, or if something else needs to be restarted, or if this simply can't work as I imagined. I'm using passenger.
Can someone shed some light on this subject, because this configuration would be VERY useful to me for many projects.