Leveraging sessions
Since you are using sessions, you can use the same sessionId for all messages, and they will be processed in order by a single instance, regardless of the settings in your host.json.
Using Singleton
If you can't use the sessionId for your purpose, you should try the [Singleton]
attribute on your function. This will ensure that only one instance across all of your function instances will process the request.
We have this working successfully for WebJobs in production, and it should work just the same for Azure Functions. If you have dedicated app service plans, using this attribute should be enough. This is not recommended for a consumption plan.
does work on functions. The Azure Function host will create or wait for a lock in the Azure Storage account. The lock is the host ID which should be the same for all hosts of an app across all instances - so all instances share this lock and will only allow one execution to occur at a time.
To test this I put 1000 queue messages at once on a function with [Singleton]. The function would wake up, emit the invocation ID, sleep, and then emit the invocation ID. After processing all 1000 I looked at logs and never saw invocation IDs overlap. Only one invocation would happen globally at a time.
public async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("%TopicName%", "%SubscriptionName%", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection", IsSessionsEnabled = true)]Message message, IMessageSession messageSession, ILogger log)
In a consumption plan
Continuing the quote above:
With that said I think the recommendation is: [Singleton] isn't recommended for consumption hosted function plans. If you have a dedicated app service plan it's fine (as you are paying for the instance anyway). If you want to enforce [Singleton] like behavior in a consumption plan you are likely best to:
- Set
to 1 so you never scale to more than one instance
- Set the
file to only allow 1 concurrent execution at a time for that trigger (for instance a batch size of 1 for Azure Queues).
"version": "2.0",
"extensions": {
"serviceBus": {
"prefetchCount": 1,
"messageHandlerOptions": {
"maxConcurrentCalls": 1