I had this guy's problem: Lua userdata array access and methods
wherein when I set the __index of my userdata's metatable, it always called the getter, instead of my other methods that weren't declared for meta-events. The solution to the above link is in Lua, and I attempted a C implementation which seems inelegant, but regardless, it creates a new problem in that my new methods can no longer take arguments, and I get this error:
attempt to call method 'asTable' (a table value)
on this Lua statement:
print_r(c:asTable() )
This is how I set everything up:
//Methods, many of which are overridden Lua meta-events (with the underscores)
static const struct luaL_reg vallib_m [] = {
{"asTable", PushLuaTable}, //these functions are not called
{"asCopy", CopyLuaVal},
{"__newindex", SetLuaVal},
{"__index", GetLuaVal},
{"__tostring", ValToString},
{"__gc", GarbageCollectVal},
{"__metatable", HideMetaTable},
//Static library functions
static const struct luaL_reg vallib_f [] = {
{"specialprint", PrintVals},
int luaopen_custom(lua_State *L)
luaL_newmetatable(L, "custom.Value");
lua_pushstring(L, "__index");
lua_pushvalue(L, -2); /* pushes the metatable */
lua_settable(L, -3); /* metatable.__index = metatable */
luaL_register(L, NULL, vallib_m);
luaL_register(L, "special", vallib_f);
return 0;
Then in my getter, which is called by default (via __index), I first check for other events that I intended to be called and transfer control to them as follows. Note that I remove the argument containing the name of the function from the stack.
//TODO: this is a tentative fix, I would rather do this with metatables
//checking for methods
if (lua_isstring(L, 2))
field = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
if (unlikely(!field))
reporter->Warning("Fail in getter -- bad string as method attempt");
if (strcmp(field, "asTable") == 0)
lua_remove(L, 2); //delete string "asTable"
return PushLuaTable(L);
else if (strcmp(field, "asCopy") == 0)
lua_remove(L, 2); //delete string "asCopy"
return CopyLuaVal(L);
//... other methods.
//Insert string back into stack??
It doesn't treat my method as a function regardless of how many arguments are passed, and throws an error if there are even any parentheses or a colon. (It can be accessed by c.asTable
, which works fine for methods that takes no arguments but I plan to add some that do, and regardless, the syntax is inconsistent with methods.
In any case, it would be preferable to NOT call these functions through my C getter, and instead solve this with metatables. If this is possible, please provide an example using the C API -- there are already StackOverflow solutions in Lua, but I haven't been able to translate them to C.