I am trying to use Eigen unsupported FFT library using FFTW backend. Specifically I am want to do a 2D FFT. Here's my code :
void fft2(Eigen::MatrixXf * matIn,Eigen::MatrixXcf * matOut)
const int nRows = matIn->rows();
const int nCols = matIn->cols();
Eigen::FFT< float > fft;
for (int k = 0; k < nRows; ++k) {
Eigen::VectorXcf tmpOut(nRows);
fft.fwd(tmpOut, matIn->row(k));
matOut->row(k) = tmpOut;
for (int k = 0; k < nCols; ++k) {
Eigen::VectorXcf tmpOut(nCols);
fft.fwd(tmpOut, matOut->col(k));
matOut->col(k) = tmpOut;
I have 2 problems :
First, I get a segmentation fault when using this code on some matrix. This error doesn't happen for all matrixes. I guess it's related to an alignment error. I use the functions in the following way :
Eigen::MatrixXcf matFFT(mat.rows(),mat.cols()); fft2(&matFloat,&matFFT);
where mat can be any matrix. Funnily, the code plants only when I compute the FFT over the 2nd dimension, never on the first one. This doesn't happen with kissFFT backend.
- Second I don't get the same result as Matlab (that uses FFTW), when the function works. Eg :
Input Matrix :
[2, 1, 2]
[3, 2, 1]
[1, 2, 3]
Eigen gives :
[ (0,5), (0.5,0.86603), (0,0.5)]
[ (-4.3301,-2.5), (-1,-1.7321), (0.31699,-1.549)]
[ (-1.5,-0.86603), (2,3.4641), (2,3.4641)]
Matlab gives :
17 + 0i 0.5 + 0.86603i 0.5 - 0.86603i
-1 + 0i -1 - 1.7321i 2 - 3.4641i
-1 + 0i 2 + 3.4641i -1 + 1.7321i
Only the central part is the same.
Any help would be welcome.
?) Also, is there a reason to passmatIn
by pointer and not by reference? – Melodymeloid