I'm trying to install perl version 5.33.4 in my macOS environment using perlbrew. I cannot comprehend why it fails during installation.
I started installing perlbrew using \curl -L https://install.perlbrew.pl | bash
, then I added in my zshenv this line: source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
and started installing perl with perlbrew install perl-5.33.4
I tried also with different perl versions, but the problem is the same.
This is the logged error:
# Failed test 20 - array should contain one result or more: libc => () at t/DynaLoader.t line 127
# got "0"
# expected >= "1"
../ext/DynaLoader/t/DynaLoader.t .....................................
Failed 1/44 subtests
Test Summary Report
../ext/DynaLoader/t/DynaLoader.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 44 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 20
Files=2652, Tests=1183275, 624 wallclock secs (25.86 usr 5.24 sys + 260.60 cusr 25.43 csys = 317.13 CPU)
Result: FAIL
make: *** [test_harness] Error 1
##### Brew Failed #####
How can I find a way to detect the problem and solve it? Thanks in advance to any suggestion.