I have to read and modify some diagrams created with draw.io (now diagrams.net). They looks like:
<mxfile pages="1" version="11.1.5"><diagram id="aC-2Vsr7-bsXYD2UCZoz" name="Page-1">zZRNT4QwEEB/DXdo1/24uup60MRkDx5Nl45QLQwpXQF/vWXbAs2KejJ7Ie2bKZ15bRrRbdHuFKvyR+QgIxLzNqI3ESGb5cp8e9BZsNisLciU4BYlI9iLT3AwdvQoONRBokaUWlQhTLEsIdUBY0phE6a9ogx3rVgGZ2CfMnlOnwXXuaVrshr5PYgs9zsny42NFMwnu07qnHFsJojeRnSrELUdFe0WZO/Oe7Hr7maiQ2EKSv3NAjy89T5ILNnBHMkp4UlhCnWNhrrlp+CL0HPxypIHUb6781vFxIZ8IWToZaix1p33p/BYcuhTk4heN7nQsK9Y2kcbc2EMy3UhXfi8JVfGBygN7QS5/XaABWjVmRQX9ba7cNqMZ5d4lk/ObekYc9clG348GjUD16GfOsd/8U1+8U3mfdPQN71k30l8EcLpT7bpjOqrxN96r3px0arX/6baTMd36pQ6eezp7Rc=</diagram></mxfile>
Clearly they are encoded and compressed with deflate() javascript function. How can I decompress them using Java? I can't find any useful method in mxUtils to read compressed diagram and mxXmlUtils.parseXml(xmlDiagram) seems able to parse only plain text/xml.
And after modify them through mxGraph API, how can I rencode and compress the diagram again?
Does anybody have an idea on how this could be done?
thanks in advance!
---- Modified after Thomas's answer ---
Thomas, your code works perfectly! But I would need also to 'invert' it to encode and compress the diagram. I tried to make the same operations in reverse order but seems the deflate operation or Base64 encoding, brakes the diagram in some way. Following is my code:
//url encoding...
String xmlGraphEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(xmlGraphString, "UTF-8");
xmlGraphEncoded=xmlGraphEncoded.replace("+", "%20");
byte[] bytesToCompress=xmlGraphEncoded.getBytes("UTF-8");
//Deflater deflater = new Deflater(); << do not use this
Deflater deflater = new Deflater(9,true);
int compressedSize=deflater.deflate(bytesToCompress);
//encoding B64...
compressedEncodedBytes= Base64.encodeBase64(bytesToCompress);
I know the first encoding works well but after the deflate&Base64 the draw-io convert tool complains with this error: "inflateRaw failed: invalid stored block lengths"
Can you help me?