I am maintaining an application creating an Oracle DB via JDBC. Starting from today this query:
SELECT NULL AS pktable_cat ,
p.owner AS pktable_schem,
p.table_name AS pktable_name ,
pc.column_name AS pkcolumn_name,
NULL AS fktable_cat ,
f.owner AS fktable_schem,
f.table_name AS fktable_name ,
fc.column_name AS fkcolumn_name,
fc.position AS key_seq ,
NULL AS update_rule ,
DECODE (f.delete_rule, 'CASCADE', 0, 'SET NULL', 2, 1) AS delete_rule ,
f.constraint_name AS fk_name ,
p.constraint_name AS pk_name ,
DECODE(f.deferrable, 'DEFERRABLE',5 ,'NOT DEFERRABLE',7 , 'DEFERRED', 6 ) deferrability
FROM all_cons_columns pc,
all_constraints p ,
all_cons_columns fc,
all_constraints f
WHERE 1 = 1
AND p.table_name = :1
AND p.owner = :3
AND f.constraint_type = 'R'
AND p.owner = f.r_owner
AND p.constraint_name = f.r_constraint_name
AND p.constraint_type = 'P'
AND pc.owner = p.owner
AND pc.constraint_name = p.constraint_name
AND pc.table_name = p.table_name
AND fc.owner = f.owner
AND fc.constraint_name = f.constraint_name
AND fc.table_name = f.table_name
AND fc.position = pc.position
ORDER BY fktable_schem,
fktable_name ,
started becoming really slow due to some oracle internals as it seems to be the same for all my branches.
Does somebody know one possible reason and how to face this?
Regards, Nunzio