I need safe html on my website.
I read though the caja guide and I am not sure if I understand the conecpt.
I think it goes like this:
- User submits malicious content to my db
- I want to render it. Caja recognizes the malicious code and blocks it.
But how do I render it though caja? They don't explain this on their page, they only show how to replace the code.
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('dynamicContent').innerHTML = 'Dynamic hello world';
Let's say our document would look like this
<div class="input">
<h3>User Input </h3>
<script> alert("I am really bad!"); </script>
<div class="input">
<h3>User Input </h3>
<p> I am safe HTML!</p>
How would I tell caja to block the script tag?