I wish to print a binary tree in Newick format, showing each node's distance to its parent. At the moment I haven't had an issue with the following code, which uses regular recursion, but a tree too deep may produce a stack overflow.
(defn tree->newick
(let [{:keys [id children to-parent]} tree
dist (double to-parent)] ; to-parent may be a rational
(if children
(str "(" (tree->newick (first children))
"," (tree->newick (second children))
"):" dist)
(str (name id) ":" dist))))
(def example {:id nil :to-parent 0.0
:children [{:id nil :to-parent 0.5
:children [{:id "A" :to-parent 0.3 :children nil}
{:id "B" :to-parent 0.2 :children nil}]}
{:id "C" :to-parent 0.8 :children nil}]})
(tree->newick example)
;=> "((A:0.3,B:0.2):0.5,C:0.8):0.0"
(def linear-tree (->> {:id "bottom" :to-parent 0.1 :children nil}
(iterate #(hash-map :id nil :to-parent 0.1
:children [% {:id "side" :to-parent 0.1 :children nil}]))
(take 10000)
(tree->newick linear-tree)
;=> StackOverflowError
The problem I've found with current utilities, such as tree-seq
and clojure.walk
, is that I have to visit an inner node more than once, to interpose the comma and close the bracket. I've used clojure.zip
, but didn't manage to write a lazy/tail-recursive implementation, as I would need to store for each inner node how many times they were already visited.