Following the many guides to creating biGrams using the 'tm' and 'RWeka' packages, I was getting frustrated that only 1-Grams were being returned in the tdm. Through much trial and error I discovered that proper function was achieved using 'VCorpus' but not using 'Corpus'. BTW, I'm pretty sure this was working with 'Corpus' ~1 month ago but it is not now.
R (3.3.3), RTools (3.4), RStudio (1.0.136) and all packages (tm 0.7-1, RWeka 0.4-31) have been updated to the latest.
I would appreciate any insight on what this won't work with Corpus and if others have this same problem.
#A Reproducible example
#Weka bi-gram test
someCleanText <- c("Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of",
"religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or",
"abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the",
"right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition",
"the Government for a redress of grievances")
aCorpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(someCleanText)) #With this, only 1-Grams are created
#aCorpus <- VCorpus(VectorSource(someCleanText)) #With this, biGrams are created as desired
BigramTokenizer <- function(x) NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min=2, max=2))
aTDM <- TermDocumentMatrix(aCorpus, control=list(tokenize=BigramTokenizer))
Result with 'Corpus'
[1] "congress" "establishment" "law" "make"
[5] "respecting" "shall" "exercise" "free"
[9] "prohibiting" "religion" "the" "thereof"
[13] "abridging" "freedom" "press" "speech"
[17] "and" "assemble" "peaceably" "people"
[21] "petition" "right" "for" "government"
[25] "grievances" "redress"
Result with 'VCorpus'
[1] "a redress" "abridging the" "an establishment" "and to"
[5] "assemble and" "congress shall" "establishment of" "exercise thereof"
[9] "for a" "free exercise" "freedom of" "government for"
[13] "law respecting" "make no" "no law" "of grievances"
[17] "of speech" "of the" "or of" "or prohibiting"
[21] "or the" "peaceably to" "people peaceably" "press or"
[25] "prohibiting the" "redress of" "religion or" "respecting an"
[29] "right of" "shall make" "speech or" "the free"
[33] "the freedom" "the government" "the people" "the press"
[37] "thereof or" "to assemble" "to petition"
all using the current version as of this writing. – PricillasessionInfo()
for us? – Pricilla