I wrote a program to create a note pad. It has buttons toset text alignment.
def setAlignments(side):
t1.tag_configure(side, justify=side)
# Clipboard clearing and new selection append to the clipboard.
t1.delete('sel.first', 'sel.last')
# Text_Widget.insert(Cursor_Position, Selection, Side)
t1.insert(t1.index(INSERT), t1.clipboard_get(), side)
except Exception as e:
print("Error : ", e)
def leftAlign():
def centerAlign():
def rightAlign():
Here 't1' is my Text widget.
But I couldn't write a program to justify button. I tried with following coding part:
def justify():
content = t1.get("1.0", "end-1c")
lines = content.split('\n')
max_line_width = t1.winfo_width() - t1.winfo_pixels("1i")
justified_lines = []
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
total_word_length = sum(len(word) for word in words)
space_needed = max_line_width - total_word_length
space_count = len(words) - 1
if space_count > 0:
space_between_words = space_needed // space_count
extra_space = space_needed % space_count
space_string = " " * space_between_words
justified_line = words[0]
for i, word in enumerate(words[1:], start=1):
justified_line += space_string
if i <= extra_space:
justified_line += " "
justified_line += word
justified_text = '\n'.join(justified_lines)
t1.delete("1.0", "end")
t1.insert("1.0", justified_text)
But It had not my expecting result.
this result get same space between every two words. I think it should depend on each sentences. Here the program get multiple line for one sentence too. Can you help me to solve this problem ?
function to do, since you can justify and wrap text with tags. Isjustify
actually trying to wrap the lines to a certain line length? – Pomeranian