I have the following R-code:
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-4, outfile = "")
calc <- function(i){
#returns a dataframe
res<- foreach( i = 1:106800, .verbose = TRUE) %dopar% calc(i)
If I run that code from 1:5, it finishes successfully. The same happens if I run that code from 106000 - 106800. But it fails if I run the full vector 1-106800, or even 100000-106800 (these are not the very exact numbers I am working with but better readable) with this error message:
got results for task 6813
numValues: 6814, numResults: 6813, stopped: TRUE
returning status FALSE
got results for task 6814
numValues: 6814, numResults: 6814, stopped: TRUE
calling combine function
evaluating call object to combine results:
fun(accum, result.6733, result.6734, result.6735, result.6736,
result.6737, result.6738, result.6739, result.6740, result.6741,
result.6742, result.6743, result.6744, result.6745, result.6746,
result.6747, result.6748, result.6749, result.6750, result.6751,
result.6752, result.6753, result.6754, result.6755, result.6756,
result.6757, result.6758, result.6759, result.6760, result.6761,
result.6762, result.6763, result.6764, result.6765, result.6766,
result.6767, result.6768, result.6769, result.6770, result.6771,
result.6772, result.6773, result.6774, result.6775, result.6776,
result.6777, result.6778, result.6779, result.6780, result.6781,
result.6782, result.6783, result.6784, result.6785, result.6786,
result.6787, result.6788, result.6789, result.6790, result.6791,
result.6792, result.6793, result.6794, result.6795, result.6796,
result.6797, result.6798, result.6799, result.6800, result.6801,
result.6802, result.6803, result.6804, result.6805, result.6806,
result.6807, result.6808, result.6809, result.6810, result.6811,
result.6812, result.6813, result.6814)
returning status TRUE
Error in calc(i) :
task 1 failed - "object of type 'S4' is not subsettable"
I have no clue why I get this error message. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a running example as I cannot reproduce it with some simple code. Is a single job failing? If yes, how can I find which one fails? Or any other ideas how to troubleshoot?
to see if it is a single job failing? – Ambagiousforeach
loop. – Ambagious