i am running an third party RMI-Server app providing exactly one method ("getImage()" returns an image as byte[]).
The implementation of this method (getting the image via a SOAP-WS) is provide by me.
The problem on running this RMI-Server is the high CPU consumption (measured with jvisualvm): 65% of cpu time go into "sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ConnectionHandler.run()"
and on second place with 15% is "sun.net.www.http.KeepAliveCache.run()"
. The "real" work (scaling the image) comes on 4th place.
The server is running on win 2003 server. i guess there is something wrong with resource/connection handling?? but is this an implementation problem or a windows configuration-problem?
another observation is: if cpu utilization is high the memory utilization goes also up - the question is: is this because the gc can't do its work or many images waiting to be delivered. all i can say the memoryis used for byte[]
so any ideas what to do?
thx in advance