I am trying to test my react native iOS app in saucelabs(appium). Saucelabs require a file zip of .app folder created after the xcode build.
I am using following steps(bitrise steps) to create the .app folder and the zip file. 1) Set Xcode Project Build Number 2) Xcode Archive & Export for iOS
Once the zip file is created it is uploadedin the saucelabs.
When I execute the tests in saucelabs, I get the following error from the appium server.
> 2018-06-20 08:58:53:668 - [XCUITest] *********************************
> 2018-06-20 08:58:53:669 - [XCUITest] Simulator architecture appears to be unsupported by the '/var/folders/s9/gmkmk07d6gq_pt_v72yyt8xc0000kr/T/tmpFzu0Wp/test.app' application. Make sure the correct deployment target has been selected for its compilation in Xcode.
> 2018-06-20 08:58:53:669 - [XCUITest] Don't be surprised if the application fails to launch.
> 2018-06-20 08:58:53:669 - [XCUITest] *********************************
When I downloaded the zip from the bitrise and test the zip in local appium server, I got the same error.
But when I create a new build from local MacBook system using Xcode, it works perfectly file in saucelabs as well as in local appium server.
What is the proper way to create a build for saucelabs iOS test using bitrise?
Xcode Archive & Export for iOS
step creates a iOS Device archive, not a Simulator one. If you want to run an ios app in simulator you have to build for the simulator; the simulator and device builds are not compatible with each other. It can only be either for simulator or for real device. – Matelote