I'm using Stanford NLP to do POS tagging for Spanish texts. I can get a POS Tag for each word but I notice that I am only given the first four sections of the Ancora tag and it's missing the last three sections for person, number and gender.
Why does Stanford NLP only use a reduced version of the Ancora tag?
Is it possible to get the entire tag using Stanford NLP?
Here is my code (please excuse the jruby...):
props = java.util.Properties.new()
props.put("tokenize.language", "es")
props.put("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, parse")
props.put("ner.model", "edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/spanish.ancora.distsim.s512.crf.ser.gz")
props.put("pos.model", "/stanford-postagger-full-2015-01-30/models/spanish-distsim.tagger")
props.put("parse.model", "edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/spanishPCFG.ser.gz")
pipeline = StanfordCoreNLP.new(props)
annotation = Annotation.new("No sé qué estoy haciendo. Me pregunto si esto va a funcionar.")
I am getting this as the output:
[Text=No CharacterOffsetBegin=0 CharacterOffsetEnd=2 PartOfSpeech=rn Lemma=no NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=sé CharacterOffsetBegin=3 CharacterOffsetEnd=5 PartOfSpeech=vmip000 Lemma=sé NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=qué CharacterOffsetBegin=6 CharacterOffsetEnd=9 PartOfSpeech=pt000000 Lemma=qué NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=estoy CharacterOffsetBegin=10 CharacterOffsetEnd=15 PartOfSpeech=vmip000 Lemma=estoy NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=haciendo CharacterOffsetBegin=16 CharacterOffsetEnd=24 PartOfSpeech=vmg0000 Lemma=haciendo NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=. CharacterOffsetBegin=24 CharacterOffsetEnd=25 PartOfSpeech=fp Lemma=. NamedEntityTag=O]
(I notice that the lemmas are incorrect also, but that's probably an issue for a separate question. Nevermind, I see that Stanford NLP does not support Spanish lemmatization.)