I'm struggling with this situation.. I have a Standard Object in SFDC (Opportunity) that has a custom look up field pointing to the User object what I'm trying to do is populate this field with the name of the user that creates a custom object that is available in the Opportunity layout...
i.e. New GOP Checklist --- Then choose the type of checklist--- and then fill all the required fields and click save, this is pointing back to the Opportunity view. To start with is this something doable ? i know that look up fields can be tricky. and my second question is what's the best way to do this Programatically (trigger) or using the workflow and field update functionality ?
Thanks !!
trigger TR_OrderChecklist on Order_Checklist__c (before insert) {
// Function 1: Update COS Operations Attribute in Opportunity
for(Order_Checklist__c o : trigger.new){
if(o.Opportunity__r.CARE_Operations__c == null) {
o.Opportunity__r.CARE_Operations__c = UserInfo.getUserId();
This is what they came up with. In the Standard Opportunity Object we have a lookup field tied to the user.. CARE_Operations__c.. Now what the trigger is supposed to do is the following..
1.- When creating a new GOP Checklist if the user populate a new custom lookup field in the GOP object named COSOperations_c then keep that name, 2.- If the User didn't populate the COSOperations_c field but the field in the Opp level CARE_Operations__c is populated use that name. 3.- If neither CARE_Operations_c or COSOperations_c are populated (user input) then COSOperations__c is going to be the person that just create the GOP Object.
This is what i have so far..
trigger TR_OrderChecklist on Order_Checklist__c (before insert) {
List<Opportunity> COS_Op = new List<Opportunity>();
COS_Op = [select CARE_Operations__c from Opportunity where id in (select Opportunity__c from Order_Checklist__c where COSOperations__c != null)];
for(Order_Checklist__c OC : trigger.new) {
if(OC.COSOperations__c != null) {
if(COS_Op != null){
OC.COSOperations__c = OC.Opportunity__r.CARE_Operations__c;}
if(OC.COSOperations__c == null){
OC.COSOperations__c = UserInfo.getUserId();}
My problem is in the second if statement.. the other 2 conditions are working properly.. ! Any ideas ? Thanks !!!