I worked quite a bit with this (only with Paperclip).
There is one solution that is okay, but it takes a lot of processing.
If you only want to hide your files from being looped through you can hash your Paperclip attachment, see this: https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip/wiki/Hashing
If you want to authorize user on every image load you can do like this:
Move your files out of your Public-folder
has_attached_file :image,
styles: { large: '1500x1500>', small: '250x250>'},
path: ':rails_root/storage/gallery/image/:style/:filename'
Use Sendfile to view your file
def show
send_file(object.image.path(:small), filename: object.image_file_name, type: "image/png",disposition: 'inline',x_sendfile: true)
I'm however a bit reluctant to implement this for example an image gallery, since it takes a GET
-action + authorization for each image. Using the x-sendfile
works with Apache to deliver the images faster.