Is it possible to store a procedure as a property of a derived type? I was thinking of something along the lines of:
module funcs_mod
public :: add
function add(y,z) result (x)
integer,intent(in) :: y,z
integer :: x
x = y + z
end function
end module
module type_A_mod
use funcs_mod
public :: type_A,set_operator
type type_A
procedure(),pointer,nopass :: operator
end type
subroutine set_operator(A,operator)
external :: operator
type(type_A),intent(inout) :: A
A%operator => operator
end subroutine
function operate(A,y,z) result(x)
type(type_A),intent(in) :: A
integer,intent(in) :: y,z
integer :: x
x = A%operator(y,z)
end function
end module
program test
use type_A_mod
use funcs_mod
type(type_A) :: A
call set_operator(A,add)
write(*,*) operate(A,1,2)
end program
But this doesn't successfully compile. Several errors are displayed including:
1) Syntax error in procedure pointer component
2) 'operator' at (1) is not a member of the 'type_a' structure
As well as some unsuccessful use statements. Is there a way to do this correctly? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I've modified procedure,pointer
to procedure(),pointer
and now the errors are
1) FUNCTION attribute conflicts with SUBROUTINE attribute in 'operator'
2) Can't convert UNKNOWN to INTEGER(4)
Both refer to the line x = A%operator(y,z)
for a procedure pointer component of a derived type. – Playsuitexternal
and never use it again (at least I do not). You need a proper interface block. And show your full code which generates the error. You must use interfaces compatible withadd
. – Pitcher