There are a lot of discussions of how MotionEvent.getX/.getY are "unreliable" (or other terms) and that we should use the Raw versions of these calls to get coordinates.
On my Nexus 7, I have discovered that .getX/.getY are reliably returning interleaved absolute and relative coordinates. In other words, say a given ACTION_MOVE event returns absolute coordinates when you call .getX and .getY. The next ACTION_MOVE event will then return relative coordinates on its .getX and .getY calls.
This cannot be accidental behavior. It also leads me to believe there must be a way to discern whether a given ACTION_MOVE will be returning absolute or relative coordinates.
Does anyone know how to check a given MotionEvent object to see if it is returning absolute vs. relative coordinates on its .getX and .getY calls?
EDIT: Per your request, here's the code. It's nothing special, just grab the coordinates and move the View object:
public boolean onTouch(View v,MotionEvent event) {
boolean bExitValue = true;
float fX;
float fY;
int iAction;
iAction = event.getActionMasked();
if (MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE == iAction) {
fX = event.getX();
fY = event.getY();
Log.d("",("X: " + fX + ", Y: " + fY));
else if (MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN != iAction) {
bExitValue = false;
The Log.d call and standalone floats aren't necessary to make the code work, but they do allow you to see the interleaving of values in the LogCat window.
always return relative coordinates. Please see my solution to this problem here: – Serra