So I'm trying to hide certain ship methods in Woocommerce based on a product tag. The main problem I face is my own lack PHP knowledge so I frankensteined the following code together with the help of some very friendly folks:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_shipping_methods', 'hide_shipping_based_on_tag' , 10, 1 );
function check_cart_for_share() {
// load the contents of the cart into an array.
global $woocommerce;
$cart = $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents;
$found = false;
// loop through the array looking for the tag you set. Switch to true if the tag is found.
foreach ($cart as $array_item) {
if (isset($array_item['product_tag']) && $array_item['product_tag'] == "CHOSEN_TAG") { // Replace "CHOSEN_TAG" with what ever tag you want
$found = true;
return $found;
function hide_shipping_based_on_tag( $available_methods ) {
// use the function abve to check the cart for the tag.
if ( check_cart_for_share() ) {
// remove the rate you want
unset( $available_methods['flat_rate'] ); // Replace "flar_rate" with the shipping option that yu want to remove.
// return the available methods without the one you unset.
return $available_methods;
I understand that this code is by no means universal and thus the variables will be different from case to case but perhaps someone can tell me if something looks off in the code. Much appreciated