I'm researching AWS services related to mobile analytics as we are using AWS as our backend infra and now would like to understand how to best utilize Pinpoint and/or Kinesis to end up with events stored in S3 for later analytics.
Pinpoint offers analytics and has some standard events as well as custom events. These have a retention of 90 days, but allows connecting with Kinesis for indefinite storage of events: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pinpoint/latest/userguide/analytics-streaming.html
This sounds good.
I also see on the website for AWS Amplify that analytics can be done with Pinpoint and Kinesis: https://aws-amplify.github.io/docs/ios/analytics#analytics
What is not clear if analytics can be done without Pinpoint too and how that looks like? It seems it simply gives the possibility to send any data from mobile to a Kinesis stream, not analytics. Correct?
I would expect that if one uses Pinpoint to collect events both standard and custom it would already optimally do all what is described for Kinesis how to optimize for performance and battery. Hence, if using Pinpoint connected (in Pinpoint settings) with Kinesis this is all provided so no direct connection with Kinesis from mobile is needed. Correct?
If someone has in-depth insight into this or relevant experience I would be happy if you share it as it's not clear what to exactly expect. Thanks!