I'm trying to downgrade my Angular component to make it use in AngularJS app.
For test I created quite trivial Angular component:
// my-test.component.ts
selector: 'my-test',
template: '<h1>Hello World</h1>'
export class MyTestComponent {}
after that I register it in my Angular module in declarations and entryComponents:
imports: [
declarations: [
... couple other components
entryComponents: [ MyTestComponent ]
export class MyModule {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
and after that I simply created angularjs directive to make this component available inside my angularJS app.
import {MyTestComponent} from 'path/to/my-test.component';
import {downgradeComponent} from '@angular/upgrade/static';
angular.module(name, [])
.directive('myNgTest', downgradeComponent({component: MyTestComponent}))
and I used it in my template
Error while instantiating component 'MyTestComponent': Not a valid '@angular/upgrade' application. Did you forget to downgrade an Angular module or include it in the AngularJS application?
I am probably missing some key step in all that tutorials I've been reading. There is no connection between Angular 2 module and AngularJS module however there is direct import of component that need to be downgraded.
Any advise is welcome!