I created a diagram with JointJS cells and now I want to change the label of a cell by clicking on it. When I click on a cell a modal pops up and I enter a new text. The text will be stored in a variable. When the modal closes the label of the clicked cell will be changed to the value of the variable.
Now the problem: Let's say I have four cells and every cell has the label "a". I click on the first cell and change the label to "b". That works. Now I change the label of the second cell to "c" and now the problem shows up. Both the first and the second cell have the new label "c". If I change the label of the third cell to "d" all the three modified cells have the new label "d".
My approach: I have an event listener that executes the function handleClickOnCell()
when I click on a cell. The function passes the clicked cell as argument.
paper.on('cell:pointerclick', handleClickOnCell);
Inside the function handleClickOnCell()
a modal pop up gets triggered. I type in a text and the text value gets assigned to var textLabel
. That works. When the modal hides the label gets changed to the value of labelText
function handleClickOnCell(e) {
$('#captionModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function () {
e.model.attr('label/text', labelText);
Changing the label works but when I change the label of a cell all the previous cells which I have already changed the label one time also change their label to the new label.
I don't know what the problem is. I assume it is a reference problem but I don't know how to fix it. And I would be grateful for tips or recommendations for a more suitable approach.