i found a tag before the head tag on my webpage, inserted by the Brave browser. my question would the following run on my page if my content Content-Security-Policy doesn't allow run script's that doesn't have a valid nonce or integrity attribute. second question, the script asks to disable (disableDappDetectionInsertion)??? third what does this script do? this script has a attribute of "data-dapp-detection". it occurs after the window is blured for a while. no erros in the brave console either. Brave Version 1.10.97 Chromium: 83.0.4103.116 (Official Build) (64-bit)
(function() {
let alreadyInsertedMetaTag = false
function __insertDappDetected() {
if (!alreadyInsertedMetaTag) {
const meta = document.createElement('meta')
meta.name = 'dapp-detected'
alreadyInsertedMetaTag = true
if (window.hasOwnProperty('web3')) {
// Note a closure can't be used for this var because some sites like
// www.wnyc.org do a second script execution via eval for some reason.
window.__disableDappDetectionInsertion = true
// Likely oldWeb3 is undefined and it has a property only because
// we defined it. Some sites like wnyc.org are evaling all scripts
// that exist again, so this is protection against multiple calls.
if (window.web3 === undefined) {
} else {
var oldWeb3 = window.web3
Object.defineProperty(window, 'web3', {
configurable: true,
set: function (val) {
if (!window.__disableDappDetectionInsertion)
oldWeb3 = val
get: function () {
if (!window.__disableDappDetectionInsertion)
return oldWeb3