I use the MS Sync Framework to sync my SQL Server instance with a local SQL CE file to make it possible working offline with my Windows app.
I use GUIDs as keys. On my table I have a unique index on 2 columns: user_id
and setting_id
usersettings table
id PK -> I also tried it without this column. Same result
user_id FK
setting_id FK
Now I do the following:
I create a new record in this table in both databases - SQL Server and SQL CE with the same user_id
and setting_id
This should work and merge the data together since this can happen in real life. But I get an error when syncing saying the unique key constraint led to an error. The key pair already exists in the table.
A duplicate value cannot be inserted into a unique index. [ Table name = user_settings,Constraint name = unique_userid_settingid ]
Why can't MS sync handle that? It should not try to insert the key pair again. It should update the value if needed.