The selected answer works, but it could use some improvement.
- The options should probably be initialized to default values.
- It would be nice to preserve %0 as well as the required args %1 and %2.
- It becomes a pain to have an IF block for every option, especially as the number of options grows.
- It would be nice to have a simple and concise way to quickly define all options and defaults in one place.
- It would be good to support stand-alone options that serve as flags (no value following the option).
- We don't know if an arg is enclosed in quotes. Nor do we know if an arg value was passed using escaped characters. Better to access an arg using %~1 and enclose the assignment within quotes. Then the batch can rely on the absence of enclosing quotes, but special characters are still generally safe without escaping. (This is not bullet proof, but it handles most situations)
My solution relies on the creation of an OPTIONS variable that defines all of the options and their defaults. OPTIONS is also used to test whether a supplied option is valid. A tremendous amount of code is saved by simply storing the option values in variables named the same as the option. The amount of code is constant regardless of how many options are defined; only the OPTIONS definition has to change.
EDIT - Also, the :loop code must change if the number of mandatory positional arguments changes. For example, often times all arguments are named, in which case you want to parse arguments beginning at position 1 instead of 3. So within the :loop, all 3 become 1, and 4 becomes 2.
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
:: Define the option names along with default values, using a <space>
:: delimiter between options. I'm using some generic option names, but
:: normally each option would have a meaningful name.
:: Each option has the format -name:[default]
:: The option names are NOT case sensitive.
:: Options that have a default value expect the subsequent command line
:: argument to contain the value. If the option is not provided then the
:: option is set to the default. If the default contains spaces, contains
:: special characters, or starts with a colon, then it should be enclosed
:: within double quotes. The default can be undefined by specifying the
:: default as empty quotes "".
:: NOTE - defaults cannot contain * or ? with this solution.
:: Options that are specified without any default value are simply flags
:: that are either defined or undefined. All flags start out undefined by
:: default and become defined if the option is supplied.
:: The order of the definitions is not important.
set "options=-username:/ -option2:"" -option3:"three word default" -flag1: -flag2:"
:: Set the default option values
for %%O in (%options%) do for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A in ("%%O") do set "%%A=%%~B"
:: Validate and store the options, one at a time, using a loop.
:: Options start at arg 3 in this example. Each SHIFT is done starting at
:: the first option so required args are preserved.
if not "%~3"=="" (
set "test=!options:*%~3:=! "
if "!test!"=="!options! " (
rem No substitution was made so this is an invalid option.
rem Error handling goes here.
rem I will simply echo an error message.
echo Error: Invalid option %~3
) else if "!test:~0,1!"==" " (
rem Set the flag option using the option name.
rem The value doesn't matter, it just needs to be defined.
set "%~3=1"
) else (
rem Set the option value using the option as the name.
rem and the next arg as the value
set "%~3=%~4"
shift /3
shift /3
goto :loop
:: Now all supplied options are stored in variables whose names are the
:: option names. Missing options have the default value, or are undefined if
:: there is no default.
:: The required args are still available in %1 and %2 (and %0 is also preserved)
:: For this example I will simply echo all the option values,
:: assuming any variable starting with - is an option.
set -
:: To get the value of a single parameter, just remember to include the `-`
echo The value of -username is: !-username!
There really isn't that much code. Most of the code above is comments. Here is the exact same code, without the comments.
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "options=-username:/ -option2:"" -option3:"three word default" -flag1: -flag2:"
for %%O in (%options%) do for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A in ("%%O") do set "%%A=%%~B"
if not "%~3"=="" (
set "test=!options:*%~3:=! "
if "!test!"=="!options! " (
echo Error: Invalid option %~3
) else if "!test:~0,1!"==" " (
set "%~3=1"
) else (
set "%~3=%~4"
shift /3
shift /3
goto :loop
set -
:: To get the value of a single parameter, just remember to include the `-`
echo The value of -username is: !-username!
This solution provides Unix style arguments within a Windows batch. This is not the norm for Windows - batch usually has the options preceding the required arguments and the options are prefixed with /
The techniques used in this solution are easily adapted for a Windows style of options.
- The parsing loop always looks for an option at
, and it continues until arg 1 does not begin with /
- Note that SET assignments must be enclosed within quotes if the name begins with
works. I am already doing this in my solution anyway.
- The standard Windows style precludes the possibility of the first required argument value starting with
. This limitation can be eliminated by employing an implicitly defined //
option that serves as a signal to exit the option parsing loop. Nothing would be stored for the //
Update 2015-12-28: Support for !
in option values
In the code above, each argument is expanded while delayed expansion is enabled, which means that !
are most likely stripped, or else something like !var!
is expanded. In addition, ^
can also be stripped if !
is present. The following small modification to the un-commented code removes the limitation such that !
and ^
are preserved in option values.
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "options=-username:/ -option2:"" -option3:"three word default" -flag1: -flag2:"
for %%O in (%options%) do for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A in ("%%O") do set "%%A=%%~B"
if not "%~3"=="" (
set "test=!options:*%~3:=! "
if "!test!"=="!options! " (
echo Error: Invalid option %~3
) else if "!test:~0,1!"==" " (
set "%~3=1"
) else (
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "val=%~4"
call :escapeVal
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%A in ("!val!") do endlocal&endlocal&set "%~3=%%A" !
shift /3
shift /3
goto :loop
goto :endArgs
set "val=%val:^=^^%"
set "val=%val:!=^!%"
exit /b
set -
:: To get the value of a single parameter, just remember to include the `-`
echo The value of -username is: !-username!
. – Bluish