As I'm programming a package in Julia, I've written several functions of the sort:
function scatterplot(data; x_col=:x, y_col=:y)
data |> @vlplot(:circle, x=x_col, y=y_col)
Now the thing is, I'd actually like to implement kwargs
in this function, something like:
function scatterplot(data; x_col=:x, y_col=:y; kwargs...)
data |> @vlplot(:circle, x=x_col, y=y_col;kwargs...)
But since @vlplot is a macro, this doesn't actually work. So to I need to actually use metaprogramming as the following:
function example(data;xcol,ycol,kwargs...)
x = kwargs
expression = "@vlplot(data=$data,mark=:point, x=$xcol, y=$ycol,"
for (k,v) in x
add = string(k,"=",v,",")
expression = expression*add
expression = expression[1:end-1]*")"
return expression
The thing is, I want to avoid having to write this loop for each of mine functions if I want to use "kwargs", hence, how can one do this?
My idea was to somehow "decorate" each function such as @decorate_with_kwargs scatterplot
. Is this possible?
to be a macro instead of function. It is almost always a good idea to avoid writing new macros in your library. – Sympetalousvlplot(args...; kwargs...)
? - this should be the way to go. – Sympetaloususing VegaLite;methods(VegaLite.vlplot)
and see what happens – Sympetalous