Note, I tried testing this before in this question which may look similar, however those results were flawed and a result of constant folding, which I subsequently disabled. and republished in this question.
Given these two evals (comment one on execution) which only change &Module::FOO()
and &FOO()
# Symbols imported, and used locally.
eval qq[
package Foo$num;
my \$result = &Module::FOO() * &Module::FOO();
] or die $@;
# Symbols imported, not used locally referencing parent symbol.
eval qq[
package Foo$num;
my \$result = &FOO() * &FOO();
] or die $@;
why would the top block take up substantially less space? The script and output are reproduced below,
package Module {
use v5.30;
use warnings;
use constant FOO => 42;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = ('FOO');
package main {
use v5.30;
use autodie;
use warnings;
say "Our PID is $$";
for my $num ( 0..1e5 ) {
eval qq[
package Foo$num;
my \$result = &Module::FOO() * &Module::FOO();
] or die $@;
eval qq[
package Foo$num;
my \$result = &FOO() * &FOO();
] or die $@;
say "DONE";
sub _debug {
open my $fh, "<", "/proc/$$/status";
while ( <$fh> ) {
next unless /Rss/;
Package (namespace) qualified
RssAnon: 101856 kB
RssFile: 5228 kB
RssShmem: 0 kB
Locally imported
RssAnon: 151528 kB
RssFile: 5224 kB
RssShmem: 0 kB
It was requested by aquanight
to try this experiment with constant
directly, here is the code I used,
eval qq[
package Foo$num;
use constant FOO => 42;
my \$result = &FOO() * &FOO();
] or die $@;
eval qq[
package Foo$num;
use constant FOO => 42;
my \$result = &Foo${num}::FOO() * &Foo${num}::FOO();
] or die $@;
With this both examples performed as such, to be clear, it was actually worse to use the variant with constant directly and to access the constants with package qualification, then it was to create another package which has the constants to and package-qualify to that package.
Our PID is 204846
RssAnon: 143560 kB
RssFile: 5196 kB
RssShmem: 0 kB
if ($ARGV[0])
– Threegaited*Foo##::FOO
. In the other, it's just*Module::FOO
. Maybe Dump the glob before and after? No, no change – Threegaited