I was trying to figure out how I could optimize cold start times for my firebase functions. After reading this article, I wanted to try it out but I realized that the article specifically targets the base usage of the http onRequest function and doesn't give an example using express.
A similar question popped up here but doesn't seem like there's a clear answer. I saw the author of the article Doug actually commented on the question and he mentions to create a dynamic import for each route in the app since onRequest() only allows for passing the app as its only argument, but I wasn't understanding exactly what he meant by that other than to use the base API without the express app. Ideally I'd be able to use express so I can have finer control over the api url paths and use some of utility that express offers.
Can anyone give me an example of how to use express with Doug's example? Even if I have to define a new express app for each route, I'm okay with that. Just don't see how to configure it that way.
EDIT: To be clear, the goal is to optimize cold starts across all function invocations, not just the http routed ones. From my understanding, Doug's example eliminates the imports being preloaded with single routes declared using onRequest, but it doesn't show how that is possible when defining routes through express.