I'm building a website with using only native, vanilla JS features (ES6, web components, import modules).
I'd like to include a polyfill to get Safari to support extending HTML elements (class MyLink extends HTMLAnchorElement
). Ideally, I'd like to include it via an import
in my main.js file, and not as a <script>
tag in my index.html.
I first tried the official Custom Elements V1 polyfill, including it both via a script tag (<script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/custom-elements"></script>
) as well as via import
(import "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@webcomponents/custom-elements";
). There are no errors either way, but I'm not seeing support for extending built-in elements on Safari.
I tried a different polyfill that explicitly mentions customizable built-in elements, and in this case, adding it via a script tag does make it work on Safari:
<script src="//unpkg.com/@ungap/custom-elements"></script>
But it still doesn't work if I import in in my js:
import ungapCustomElements from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ungap/custom-elements";
Am I using the wrong CDN? The wrong polyfill? What's the difference? Why does it work via a script tag but not as an ES6 import?
In case it's relevant, here's my declaration for the custom element I'm trying to get working:
class ButtonLink extends HTMLAnchorElement {
connectedCallback() {
console.log("This is not called on Safari");
customElements.define("button-link", ButtonLink, { extends: "a" });
before importing the polyfill). I'll be sure to open an issue directly in the polyfill repository if I run into problems in the future! – Talkie