How can I make the lines for the x- and y-axes thicker in Julia Plots? Is there a simple way to achieve this?
using Plots
Nx, Ny = 101,101
x = LinRange(0, 100, Nx)
y = LinRange(0, 100, Ny)
foo(x,y; x0=50, y0=50, sigma =1) = exp(- ((x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2)/(2*sigma^2) )
NA = [CartesianIndex()] # for "newaxis"
Z = foo.(x[:,NA], y[NA,:], sigma=10);
hm = heatmap(x, y, Z, xlabel="x", ylabel="y", c=cgrad(:Blues_9), clim=(0,1))
plot(hm, tickfontsize=10, labelfontsize=14)
The posts I found so far suggested that this was not possible:
It this still so?
The actual code for my plot is much longer. I would not like to rewrite all of it in a different plot library.
backend necessary? – Utilitarianism