I can use this special escape sequence to print a hyperlink in bash:
echo -e '\e]8;;http://example.com\e\\This is a link\e]8;;\e\\\n'
Result (Link I can click on):
This is a link
Now I want to generate this in Python:
print('\e]8;;http://example.com\e\\This is a link\e]8;;\e\\\n')
\e]8;;http://example.com\e\This is a link\e]8;;\e\
print(r'\e]8;;http://example.com\e\\This is a link\e]8;;\e\\\n')
\e]8;;http://example.com\e\\This is a link\e]8;;\e\\\n
As you can see, the escape sequence is not interpreted by the shell. Other escape sequences, like the one for bold text, work:
YOUR_STRING # <- is actually bold
How can I get Python to format the URL correctly?