I am writing a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome. I use the browser.* commands and Mozilla's 'webextension-polyfill' module to make browser work in chrome. I have a file called browser.ts
that contains a single line:
export const browser = require('webextension-polyfill');
which then gets used in each file like so
import {browser} from '../path/to/browser.ts'
I want to make it so I can write unit tests, but the line require('webextension-polyfill')
is causing me a headache as any test with browser
throws This script should only be loaded in a browser extension
and references the previous require statement.
I have tried using rewire
, proxyquire
, and jest mocks to avoid the require
statement from being called in the unit tests, but I am not able to override it successfully. The only way I have been able to avoid this error is with a try-catch and returning a mock object on the exception, but that seems hacky and messy.
What is the best way to get around this and fix it? I see packages like mockzilla
which look helpful for mocking, but I think I would use them after I can first use the require line for webextension-polyfill